Handling complex divorce and family law cases for Pensacola and surrounding communities

Pensacola, Florida Family Law Blog

What types of alimony does Florida recognize?

Many people sacrifice their own careers or education for the sake of their romantic partner’s, and if you count yourself among the many Florida residents who did so, you may have cause to pursue alimony when your marriage ends. On the flip side, if you were the main breadwinner in [...]

Cold Part Deux

Almost two years ago, I was mesmerized by Chris Stapleton's 'Cold' and wrote this blog: https://christinesuecook.com/blog/2021/02/cold/ That song was on the radio every 30 minutes then... it randomly came on today. And, it is STILL so effing powerful. That song is sung FROM the heart TO the heart. To divorce [...]

How can you navigate a long-distance time sharing plan?

After a divorce, your whole family undergoes a shift in dynamics. For most people, divorce is difficult to navigate, particularly when children are involved. When you begin to live your life separately from your former spouse, major changes can happen in your life. You or your ex could want to [...]

Comparing Florida’s divorce rate with other states

If you want to get a divorce, or find yourself thinking about ending your marriage but have reservations, it is important to focus on your individual circumstances and move forward with confidence. Some people feel trapped in their marriage, even though it is not working out. For example, some worry [...]

Passport problems as a result of unpaid child support

If you currently owe back child support, you likely worry about many different challenges. This is a serious debt that can turn many facets of your life on end, whether you cannot drive, you face financial repercussions or you have to spend time behind bars. Furthermore, it is important to [...]

Bad Moms Christmas

Change is hard. It’s scary. It’s also sometimes quite necessary. A bad marriage has several definitions, depending on who you are, I guess. What is your definition of marriage? Love is my definition of marriage. But, just like everything else in life, love doesn’t come easily. Right? Two people love [...]

Florida’s penalties for not paying child support

If you have to pay court-ordered child support, you expect these obligations soon because your relationship with your child's other parent is ending or you receive child support payments, it is vital to go over various issues. Aside from understanding how courts calculate child support awards and addressing the modification [...]

The importance of effective communication during estate planning

The subjects that often arise during discussions of estate planning can make those involved feel uncomfortable; however, frank conversations regarding finances and the death of a loved one can secure any beneficiary's future and protect the legacy any benefactor intends to leave behind. Fidelity Investments notes that unless those involved [...]

How can you have a healthier divorce?

Even though divorce is certainly better than staying in an unfulfilling or abusive marriage, ending your marriage can take a toll on your emotional and mental well-being. In fact, according to Psychology Today, divorce tends to cause an intense emotional reaction that can include grief, anger, denial, anxiety and depression. [...]

Certified Family Law Mediator

I didn't write this article... Eddie Stephens did. I found that it is spot-on with the consult and counseling I give to my clients. Hopefully, you'll find this feeds your brain in a healthy way. Divorce is hard, but it doesn't have to be nasty. We will be here when [...]


Christine S. Cook has earned a reputation in the legal community for her professionalism and among her clients for the care and personal attention she gives to every case.

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Christine Sue Cook, LLC

1417 W. Garden St.
Pensacola, FL 32502
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