After a long week… a couple of hearings, a few mediations… it’s not even Friday, which holds the promise of another hearing, I’m trying to relax and recharge. I’ve got the HBO show Succession on.
It’s a great drama… but I literally just gasped at the dialogue. At the audacity of fictional characters’ lines to one another.
After ALL the drama I endured this week (none of it my own, mind you!), how can I possibly relax to this?
Our cells, those that make up our bodies, they feel this vibration. The “yuck” vibration. But our cells don’t know the difference from the stress vibration caused by fictional show, someone else’s drama or our own.
Stress … it’s terrible for our bodies on a cellular level.
Sometimes too deep to comprehend.
Here’s the easy way out: cardio and laughter.
Hugging and snuggling.
There is no sense – at all – in being spiteful. It actually hurts you more than the person you’re spiting.
Love love love.
Honor yourself. Honor your child. Honor your dog. Your turtle. Honor something.
Lucy’s just snoring away on me right now. She gave so much love this week. To our clients, she is a therapy dog. She’s sleeping all that off now to be ready for her job tomorrow. Her job of loving …
When you’re ready we will be here…
*dedicated to Norm Kent … may my friend rest in the peace he so deserves. Lover of life, lover of love. Humble. Human. Dedicated.