Handling complex divorce and family law cases for Pensacola and surrounding communities

Month: February 2023

Divorce for Sport(?)

So… it’s been a long time since my divorce. Thank GOD. For some reason tonight, I took myself back to that time… when I was 6 months post-partum, with the…

What to know about changing your will in divorce

If your marriage is not working out, you probably are wondering how you can keep your spouse from getting your personal possessions. In a divorce, your wife or husband will…

What are the elements of a solid trust?

A trust can be a great addition to your estate plan. You can choose to either create a revocable or irrevocable trust. Regardless of your decision, all trusts must have…


Christine S. Cook has earned a reputation in the legal community for her professionalism and among her clients for the care and personal attention she gives to every case.

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Family Law Attorney Lighting The Way For Your Family’s Legal Needs

Professional Representation. Personal Commitment. Better Results.

Christine Sue Cook, LLC

1417 W. Garden St.
Pensacola, FL 32502
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