Handling complex divorce and family law cases for Pensacola and surrounding communities

Pensacola, Florida Family Law Blog

Before your divorce

Because you enjoy your business and rely on it for income, you want to continue to operate it after your divorce concludes. Still, if your venture is part of the marital estate, your soon-to-be ex-spouse may have a legal claim to some or all of it. You may be able [...]

What is collaborative divorce?

An increasingly popular way to handle family law matters is through “collaborative” processes. This area of dispute resolution allows divorcing partners to still retain attorneys to protect their individual interests, but avoid conflict in court. The opportunity to make one’s own decisions in a collaborative divorce is an attractive alternative [...]

How a special needs trust may help your disabled adult child

As the parent of a child with a disability, you have a good idea of what your son or daughter needs to thrive. Now that your child is an adult, though, you may worry about continuing to provide for his or her basic needs. Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income or other [...]

How Bad Can It Be?

So this is going to be a stream of consciousness entry… because after dealing with toxic divorce attorneys my brain is mush. Over a year ago, when I was getting into the “collaborative movement” amongst the family law professionals, I referenced how many areas in which I’ve lived and been [...]


When I was in high school, I told my mother that I had learned everything there is to know after my junior year and I didn't need to attend my senior year full-time. She loves to tell people that story. Now that I've turned 50, I realize that the millennials [...]

Point of View Equals Vantage Point Equals Love

We all would like to believe that we live our lives in a mentally healthy way, right? I mean, if you knew no other way to behave than what was modeled for you by your parents and your surroundings, you would not have any reason to believe that different people [...]

Breaking up

'Breaking up is like knocking over a coke machine. You can’t do it in one push. You’ve got to rock it back and forth a few times and then it goes over....' Copyright Jerry Seinfeld/NBC. 'I’ll be here when you need me....' Copyright Christine Sue Cook, LLC 2019 Seriously. Right [...]


So, a few things have aligned this week to inspire this writing. The social media engines have been bugging me to post something. I've been really connecting lately... with everyone. I've been asked a lot lately 'why' I do what I do. I recently had lunch with my mentor who [...]

Social Contracts

I am all about social contracts lately... the kind everyone should make when they walk out the door, when they answer the phone, when the intentionally place themselves in contact with other fellow humans. Let me example this for you: when driving, you have an obligation to pay attention to [...]

Tom Petty

The beast has been 'woke.' (I hate that colloquialism because I am a grammar freak, but seems right here.) Clients and potential clients ask me 'how much will this cost?' a lot. Honestly, I can only expel air... shrug my shoulders, chuckle. All of those responses are pretty insulting, right? [...]


Christine S. Cook has earned a reputation in the legal community for her professionalism and among her clients for the care and personal attention she gives to every case.

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Family Law Attorney Lighting The Way For Your Family’s Legal Needs

Professional Representation. Personal Commitment. Better Results.

Christine Sue Cook, LLC

1417 W. Garden St.
Pensacola, FL 32502
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